Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Breakfast at the Roy's

 If I ever want to tell a funny story about the Roys, I simply tell the truth!  This story is just a glimpse of the Roy Family breakfast routine.  I'll start by revealing that Vickie is NOT a morning person, but around 1997, when all the babies started going to some form of school, Vickie decided to make breakfast for the family.  Ever since, she's been a breakfast machine, pounding out bacon, eggs, waffles, oatmeal, crepes, eggandsausage croissants, cereal, and other treats for the masses.  It's great!  Here's a brief pictorial: 

Vickie doesn't usually sleep well (that's a whole separate episode) . . . until about 6:30 am, just before she needs to wake up to start breakfast!
That ol' alarm clock is NOT Vickie's friend.  Especially if she has to work (she has a part-time job with School District 11, and sometimes has to get up at 6:15 am)
This is an actual picture.  Vickie has made breakfast so many thousands of times, that SHE NORMALLY MAKES IT WITH HER EYES CLOSED IN THE DARK!  This is the truth--I've witnessed it!  But since daylight savings time has made it brighter in the morning, Vickie wears sunglasses to make breakfast.  TRUE--YOU NOW SEE THE TRUTH!

Today she made delicious bacon and eggs and biscuits with jelly.  My fav!

While Vick is making breakfast, DOUG gets to do his job, which he loves.  Here's the crazy mutt making his contribution to the breakfast routine!

Here is the breakfast crew:  Vick, Summer, and Doug.  Notice his nose poking up there--Summer and I hate that (because he pants on us) so we make him sit on his carpet.  He usually sneaks off within a few minutes and is panting again.  Of course, we start with a family prayer to get the day going in the right direction.  Yes, we still use the Prayer Chart since we can't remember whose turn it is, even with just three people.  I hope we do better when there's just two people . . . .

Mom is satisfied when we've been fed and pushed onto our daily activities (which for me isn't much, but for Summer, it's a mad dash to school)

Here's Summer streaking off to Li'l Blue (her Ford Escort car) and her first period class, which is Seminary.  Even with my fastest shutter speed, I could only capture her in a blur.  By the way, Summer isn't a super-morning person either, but she does a great job getting it going anyway.  Do any of you remember what Summer was famous for when she was little?  Every morning while sitting in her high chair she's have a little sharing moment, and we'd all yell "MORNING BLOW!"  Mom quickly grabbed a tissue or two . . . .
After breakfast, Vick likes to read the paper . . . 
And work the crossword puzzle and other newspaper puzzles (Suduko, word scramble, etc.)
I hope your breakfast routine is as fun and nourishing!  Thanks Vick, for getting us going!

Love, Grandbill/Dad


7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

I liked that blog and laughed my head off at the sunglasses! good work dad!

Royfam said...

Just a side note...the blog said only Dad and Summer hate the panting dog. That's because he doesn't come pant at me cause I don't feed him from the table! And I love my kitchen but dang is it bright in the morning now. Little does Dad know but behind those shades...my eyes are closed.

Charina said...

hahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! that post brought back so many wonderful memories!! Mom, Thank you for making us breakfast everyday! You are the best! It was so good even with your eyes closed. :)

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

HAHAHAHA that was such a pure, great, joyous blog! Doug was the cutest part. Mom was the most talented and selfless part. Dad was the funniest part. Sydney was the fattest part. Summer was the most dear part.

The Lindes said...

HAHAHA! i like the sunglasses addition to the routine. and i liked this line: "sydney's job is to do nothing......and sometimes she gets a treat for being fat." haha! daniel gets treats for being fat too.