Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tortoise and the Hares

 Let's hear it for the hares...
 ...Who caught the tortoise ( but one didn't catch her till after the half way mark!)
Way to go OLD PEOPLE!!!!

Summer was the family winner, Dad PR'd over his last 5K (all those treadmill miles finally paying off!)  and I just trotted along.
What a great day to live in Colorado, IT WAS GORGEOUS!!!!!


The Lindes said...

Dad! You're looking so skinny!

"You've un-aged........well."

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

fun! was it a nielsen challenge?? 2 more weeks I will run again too!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

YES! THAT WAS SO GREAT! I AM SO IMPRESSED WITH YOU GUYS! Good running, guys, keep up the good running, you crazy running buggins!