Friday, April 2, 2010

Hawaii part one!

OK.......................Here is a bunch of pictures of our Hawaii trip! Once again, i dont know how to make the photos go right side up. Sorry about that! Hawaii was WONDERFUL and just what we all needed. We were also blessed to stop and see Daniel on the way there! He is so presh and the most chill baby! I love that cute boy! Anyways, if you want to look at some more pictures, there are a few that I posted up on Facebook. ENJOY! I also will be posting a blog of all the still shots I (summer) took!


Charina said...

Lucky BUM! You look so brown! I especially like the one of our parents. Bum grabbin'. hahaha. I bet it wasn't the same without the olympics going on at the same time though!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

Second that, Char. And good thing you didn't get crisped like we did that time either! And what the langes? That's weeeeeird.....But it looks like Hawaii was fun!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

that is so great!! I love those pictures and that vacation that you got to have!!