Tuesday, April 27, 2010


OK, so I did finally found out who asked me to prom, its Stevie Miller. SO to go along with the theme of The Sasquatch Gang, I made a nice trail of sasquatch foot prints going all over his drive way and leading a nice pile of....well.....

....it wasnt a bag of brown stuff...

But a bag of POOP! (actually pudding with coco mixed in)

Who wouldnt want to find this at the end of a sasquatch trail?!

Inside of this poop, I wrote on a piece of paper "yes".

SO it was late and Marisha and I wanted to see the reaction of stevie when he found this pile of poop. I rang the doorbell and we went and hid in a bush. His reaction was priceless but he didnt look inside of the poop like he was supposed to. So, i had to go back and write on the driveway, for him to look inside. I rang the doorbell and he came out. Marisha and i were hidding in the bush, and not to mention it was POURING rain! It definetly was fun hidding in the bush, and doing the best shnike ever!


Charina said...

GOOD SCHNIKE! I mean...GROSS Schnike!! I hope he ate it! hahaha. good thinkin' sum...going with the same theme. Brilliant.

Royfam said...

Now I'm afraid to watch the movie! Good schnike though!