Thursday, December 6, 2007

Two Years Old!!!!

This post is especially for the cutest two year old we know!! We wished we could all be at her color birthday party, I know it will be a BLAST!!!! Happy Birthday to you Viana!!!


Jimmy and Charina said...

I love my family! :)

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Thank you!! We've had to watch this about 15 times becasue Viana just can't get enough of it!! Our favorite part is when dad says, "What does....and many more..." and then Krista has her awesome laugh. THANK YOU!

Carterfam said...

15 times, definitely was not enough! This is the greatest video of all time. Right up there at the top with movies like BEOWULF! We watched it a dozen more times before Viana went to bed and I'm still laughing about it. Greatest!!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

I haven't stopped laughing yet, in case you were wondering. However, I was curious about one thing. How many times did you rehearse this plan before filming; "Ok! We're gonna sing to Happy Birthday to Viana, tag line of "and many more", then I'm gonna ask, 'What does grandbill say?' Then we'll all say, 'Yee-haw!!' Ok, we got it. Well, let's go over that plan again...
You guys are the BEST!!

Carterfam said...

Mom, were you yawning on that last note of "to YOUUUUUU!!!" I just noticed that on this viewing. Yes, Viana is on my lap and we just watched 3 more times!! "more"