Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cute Pictures

Summer and Krista don't like their pictures on the fireplace and so Sunday when everything was frosted with new snow we took some new pics. Some were really good...

And some were not...

Feel free to vote for your favorites!!!!!


Ceej said...

My favorite is the middle picture on the "not so hots!!" For real pics though, I like the right column middle pic of Summer best, and the left column middle pic of Krista. They are so good! perfect colors and beautiful snow!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

I love (from the top collage) the middle pic of Sumbum. And the one right next to it for Krista!! And, with the second collage I love the middle right of Sum and all the eyes closed pics of Kris--You two are so dern cute...Or should I say, "Garrgeous!!!!!"