Monday, June 30, 2014

June is almost done!

This month started out with the birth of Eliana but I still don't have those pictures back.  But later in the month I have some so just keep reading!

We went to Jamie's for a couple days and went out to this hole in the wall Mexican food place.

Trey's hair was looking good!

Daniel loved the salsa and chips-he went through 3 bowls!

Ally had fun on her last day of Kindergarten!

We went to a farmer's market that cost too much but they did have samples. YUM!

Our next big event was staying with the 3 youngest Carter kids while CJ and Eric went on the trek (and Eric got to have this cool field trip with Elder Snow the church historian.  He saw some cool stuff!

Ram sporting his Toy Story boots.

Waiting for the Trekkers

Have you ever heard the nursery rhyme (or poem):
There once was a girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good she was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

Except for the very, very bad part that is Emery.  She always has the cutest little curl and she is always very, very good!

Emery was so happy to see her Mama!

Next we headed north so GrandBill could meet Eliana.  She was asleep in the closet when we got there.

GrandBill said they instantly bonded.

So much so they even watched soccer and saw TWO goals.

We had a nice walk to the temple.

And just chillaxed there.  Lots of people had that idea.

Eliana has already grown so much!

We also got to stay with Billy and Krista.  Doug likes it there.  After Billy got cleaned up (Dad just loves the pictures of Billy after he uses the Bobcat) we had a yummy dinner.

Then on the way home.  Just 2 miles from the Colorado/Utah border...

Our car flipped to 100,000!

This past week I've been cooking for girls camp.  So far 40 lbs of hamburger, 18 lbs of ground sausage, 32 lbs of shredded chicken and I only have 45 lbs of cubed chicken and 270 cookies to go!

Only 10 lbs!
Oh, and last night I made these yummy shrimp/chicken kabobs.  So good!

And Doug had a fun traveling month too!

We did other things like bury Syd, speak at Aaron's camp, fulfill our callings, finish my planter, see Grandpa and Grandma a couple times, and other fun stuff.  It was fun for sure!


The Lindes said...

good blog! and that might be the first time I've seen emery smile! also, doug looks super skinny....almost as skinny as billy!

Charina said...

That is a great pic of billy. Classic. I wish I could go on all of those amazing adventures with you! And what great pics of Emery recognizing her mama. Presh.

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

Emery is big! I dreamt about her all night and it was confusing and stressful but good thing in real life she is just a good, chill, happy cute baby! And billy is dirty!