Friday, June 13, 2014


It is appropriate that Sydney Delane (some other name I can't remember) Roy went to that great deck in the sky on FRIDAY THE 13th.  She certainly embraced, in life and death, her most recent roll of horror movie extra.
Don't forget her exuberance at her 100th birthday party!

Or the joy of her last trip to see her "girls" in Utah in April.

And who could forget the wagging of her happy tail.

These are the most recent images stuck in our minds.  But don't let them replace or tarnish all the great happy memories Syd brought to us for over 15 years.  She was a good and faithful dog.  She didn't bark, she didn't bite, she humbly waited for even the slightest bit of attention.  She made us feel safe when Dad was gone on trips, she protected her flock of little girls with all her might, she was skinniest skinny, fattest fat and then skinniest skinny.  She was Wishbone!
She loved reliving her "olden days" with the grandkids.
Syd was a major part of our family for a LONG time even predating the fruit trees!

Syd had the perfect life.  Chickens, children and peace and quiet.  Then this big dopey, nosy, noisy dog burst on the scene.  I don't think she ever got over it.

There are great stories of bath times.

And don't forget marker wars and Easter egg colored tails!

So I for one am glad to know that pets get a free pass to the Celestial Kingdom.  I know Syd has a very special spot under a golden deck that does not have a crazy yellow lab intruding on her space (not yet...). And I will be happy to see her again.  She was a good dog!


7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Sydeney was enjoyed by so many...may she enjoy the company of Anabelle!

Charina said...

Oh sydney. You will be missed! I hope she gets an all inclusive, seclusive underneath the deck, spot in the dog choir! 108 is a life long lived!

Krista Hiatt said...

We will miss you little Syd!

Andy and Summer Perez said...

oh poor Syd! She was a good dog. I hope Doug doesnt get lonely now!

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a pet/best friend is the hardest thing to go through, but so worth it when you can remember all of the wonderful years you got to spend together. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Syd is up in Heaven with Zooey now waiting to see us all again someday! <3