Sunday, May 2, 2010

Summer's Pictures

I've decided that I love photography! So here are some pictures of Corinne's wedding and the denver zoo! Enjoy!

Dearest Brookey!

Yum yum!

At the Denver zoo they were doing consturction and they had these walls built up with windows to look through. I like this picture a lot.

Peacock! And yes, I reall was that close to an upset peacock!


If you look really close on this picture you can see a bee on the flowers. Cool huh?

This is on our bushes out front. I like this because the water drops maginify the bush

Bushes with rain drops


Royfam said...

Those are awesome Sum! You got the eye.

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

next time I see you, can you teach me to take pictures like that??

Charina said...

WHOA! Sum! Good job! What camera are you using??? Impressed!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

Those are good, Bum! I am so impressed! You are the real deal, I knew it from the time you were so detail oriented with the barbie kingdom in the basement.