Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Trip to LA

Well, this week I took a trip to Los Angeles. I met up with Charina for a celebration cause it was JAMIE'S BIRTHDAY!!! We spent most of it in the car cause that's what you do in LA. But, we did get to go shopping and eat some great food. The greek food was amazing! Jamie and LaDon have a wonderful apartment. And best of all we got to see ALLY.
Her morning hair is the best, but is followed closely by her, "I'm pooping face."
Her little brother is growing along and Jamie looks pretty amazing for 6 months pregnant.
One of our intended jobs while in LA was to take some bridal pictures of Charina at the LA temple (just a couple miles from Jamie's house) but when we got there, there was a whole army of volunteers putting up Christmas lights EVERYWHERE!!! We managed to get a few pictures without light hangers in them but we'll have to try again in Washington DC. Here's a sneak peak of Charina as a bride.
Made ya look!!!! Of course I can't show you that, but rest assured she is gor-ge-ous!!!!


Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

Oh my joy! Ally is a cute baby that looks so much like Jamie! Weird! And it was weird to hear about a brother.... and I can't wait to be there!!!

Jimmy and Charina said...

Ally is so much better than her pictures...and her pictures are pretty stinking cute. :)

The Lindes said...

ally takes some dang cute bath pictures! and thanks for the flattering belly shot. i was feeling so LARGE with child and dreading the next few months growth.

The Lindes said...

oh yeah, thanks for coming! so so so fun! and i pretty much saw charina before she will be a willis for the last time! wash dc here we come!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

I never know where my mom will be!! JEAlous!I .ove Ally!