Sunday, May 8, 2016

A trip to Monroe!

So I guess I'll start this week with news at the homefront before moving on to our Monroe adventures.

I'm pretty sure all of you met my pumpkin.  It sat on our spare white kitchen table from mid October until last weekend.  Pretty amazing, huh?

It was just a plain ol pumpkin but on the day it was retired it received a face so that the BB gun shooters which were it's ultimate demise could have something to aim for.  

My pumpkin lived to it's full potential and then some.  May we all be so lucky!

We headed down to Monroe this week.  We did some babysitting and some game playing and some kid entertaining and it was all a BLAST!!!

AND we got to go to CharlyAnn's dance recital.  She was a star!

She even had a special choreographed dance number with her very own Daddy (and MeeMaw since I had to fill in at the dress rehearsal, so fun!)

I asked her to pose for a picture

And man did she oblige, she started busting out the poses!
What a cutie!
I'll end with Truman, cause who can resist this cuteness!

2 comments: said...

oh, what a good ol' pumpkin! I'm shocked he lasted so long. And when did Tru get so old!!?

Krista Hiatt said...

haha CharlyAnn is such a doll! And good job on the pumpkin!