Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Haps Around Here

The past seven weeks have been filled with 10-12 hour days at the El Paso County Republican Headquarters.  It's interesting but retirement sure sounds good...but on we go doing what we can do.
Here's some pics of us in action:

 Sadly, the long hours are taking their toll on my domestic skills.  Dad and I both burst out laughing at the thought of trying to eat this scorched stomboli.

We did enjoy one fun break!  Kellie and Zac's Wedding.

It's hard to beat cousin bed jumping!
Or a birthday party for Summer!

Or six grandkids!!!

Or Sisters and Cousins (we missed you Charina!)


Or a temple wedding and Skinny Uncle Matt and Aunt Owray.

Or LaDon and Daniel.
Or a reception in an art museum.

It was a GREAT TRIP!!

But now back to the usual boring posts of my running exploits.  I haven't been able to train much, the course was quite snowy and I was worried.

BUT it was a gorgeous day and Dad and Doug came out to support me and I survived my first 10K.  It was AWESOME!!  But, dang, there were a lot of hills!

And After.  Whew!


Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

OH YES MOM!!!! I'm so proud of you! And i'm glad about the strombolli! hahah

Ceej said...

Good job mom!! I can't believe that stromboli! That's hilarious!!! It gives me hope that I'm doing ok! :)