Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thirsty Anyone?

So, today, Doug and I were going to go for a 5 miler and I thought to myself, "it would be nice to have some water since it's so warm out."  A nalgene was too big, a water bottle was to...round and as I was looking around to see what I could use I spied this.  Nice indents so you can easily wrap your hand around it, convenient pour spout and a spiffy color.  What could be better?  Sometimes the silliest smart person we all know and love DOES have some rational good ideas!


7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

What's crazier is that you had snow one day, and then a warm enough day to need water!!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I forgot about that strange part of my life hahahaha oh dear. I hope you really did use it. that is so funny hahaa.... I should write about that on my blog