Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Ally day

The day begins on a peaceful note...

After a great night of sleep WITHOUT a binky (they just don't have them in Colorado) and an interesting hairdo, we had breakfast.

Then she took a bath and enjoyed making faces in the mirror.

Today her hairstylist went with the ponytail. Doesn't she look so old?

She loves sitting on the bottom step and it drives Doug crazy that he can't come downstairs.

She spent lots of time today practicing for the next time she sees her cousins so they can all play stroller derby!

And even though it doesn't look like it, she really likes her new gloves and loves to go on a strollie ride with Doug.

This is Ally's intense face as she spent at least 20 minutes while I made dinner patiently peeling all the stickers off every cutie in the bag.
It was a great Ally day and we sure are having fun!!! Thanks for letting her come and stay!


The Lindes said...

my goodness her hair sure has gotten long! we miss her!! but we are glad that you are having fun with her.

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

Oh my gosh, if that isn't the cutest ally bug in the world, i don't know who or what is! She has cat eyes! They are so pretty! And she is so big! and cute and fun!

Andrew & Christy said...

I want an Ally Day!!! Send her my way next!!!

Charina said...

Well isn't that the cutest baby I ever did see! What a bug!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Oh I'm so jealous! I bet Ally is in HEAVEN since it is cold there and now she has a real excuse to wear her favorite hat though!!
I think she looks like Brooke in a ponytail!! Maybe it's just that age...or maybe they're actually cousins!!