(this pictures are in backwards order but its the best i can do!)
We had a mormon dance at the Kerr's house and they have this half window kind of thing in thier kitchen that looks into the living room. That's Korey and i dancing in the living room!
The Kerr's have this freaky looking guy for Halloween, that everyone was taking picture with!
This balcony looked out over the living room
After we ate dinner we went to the Miller's house and made dessert. Korey and I made a ice cream dog with an orange as the head.
The weather was SO cold and SOOO icy that Korey got his tounge stuck to the car antena! haha!.....well not really stuck...just pretending to!
This was at the begining of the date, after korey and I had taken a nice slide/waltz down the drive way!
Homecoming was SOOO fun1 I had a blast. I am really grateful I got to go plus nothing can be better when you have spartan shoes, home made, like these: