Sunday, September 20, 2009

More ascending!!!!

So our last post was about ascending and so shall this one be. The first great ascension is into the ranks of people who have male progenitors. Ours is named Isaac Ram Carter and he arrived perfect in every way. ct

He weighed in at 7lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long. He goes by "Ram" and is loved and adored by his big sisters Viana and Brooke. Ram has a cute dimple and very blonde hair and sports a cute old man mullet. I told Brooke (2) she was a big sister but she adamantly insists she is "little".

Our next ascension is Summer and I hiking Pikes Peak on a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp, the aspens in golden glory and the trail steep. Summer patiently walked with me to treeline and then booked it to the top and summited in 6hrs and 50 minutes. She did those last 3 miles above treeline (and above oxygen!) without water and in a blazing 1 hour 25 minutes. I summited at the age of 50 in 8 hours 2 minutes which was a PR by 1 hour and 23 minutes. It is such a total buzz to get to the top and look back down and realize what you've just done. Then, when you get home and look at that monster of a mountain you feel pretty accomplished knowing that you conquered its heights. It was AWESOME!!!!!! Summer and I at 5am.

We DID IT!!!!!!!

Jamie and LaDon and Ally were kind enough to come and pick us up at the top.

Our last great ascension is having the Lindes with us for the past few weeks. Ally is a total roving, blur of cuteness.

Doug loves hovering for handouts.

Ally totally knows what Grandbill says.


The Lindes said...

cute, cute, cute!!! way to go guys!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Backwards...I LOVE Ally. I LOVE her. She is TOO cute. What will her parents do when she is 13? I don't know.
ASCEND!! Seriously, that is a HUGE mountain. I would like to accomplish that one day. You two are amazing!
Ram was totally 7 lbs and 15 oz. I was the one who was 7 lbs 14 oz. Give the natural labor mother every ounce of credit due her!!:)

Unknown said...

Ahhahahah! Ally is SO cute! Her hair is so amazingly long. What a silly girl!

Way to hike the mountain, sum and Mom!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

I like that so much! Good good job, Bum and Mom, ally is precious and so is ram, and i like you alla nd we are going to be reunited at any instant! hooray!