Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunshine Corner and Midnight Aura

I slept as a baby in the Duck Room, and I only remember what it looked like because I once saw a family video of it. All of us spent at least some poriton of our childhood in the Looney Toon room, and I could probably still tell you the exact positioning and order of each of the cartoon characters on the wallpaper. Sum and I used to write on the wall of that room the tasks we needed to accomplish in order to have a clean room. The room next door is equally historic, and the neighbors eventually ended up as Sunshine Corner and Midnight Aura.

Could anything be happier? (And look how cute Ally is at 3 in the morning!)

Well, with such positive end results, one must be sure there was a magical something keeping goodness at a stable level in all different appearances, for Sunshine Corner, at least-- and there was. Perhaps you remember this little guy, perhaps you never even knew he was there. But there he was, for a good 10 years or so. Occasionally visitors would look up and inquire at the strange booger on the ceiling, but he mostly went unnoticed. I remember Grandpa and Grandma even had to stay in there once and I thought, "Oh no, if Grandma sees that, he will be a goner for sure." He survived, luckily, however, since we were moving and all of us had to be out, he too made his exit.

Don't worry, just as Duck Room, Bear Room, Looney Toon Room, Midnight Aura, and Sunshine Corner have left their mark on all of us, if you look closely, you'll see lil' 10 yr-old worm guy also left his mark on the aforementioned locations of childhood and innocence.

Goodbye, Mr. Worm, and thank you for all you consistent years of companionship!


Royfam said...

sum herhe
hahaha i liked that!

Jimmy and Charina said...

Oh No!!! I remember when that guy got stuck up there! How hilarious. What a great example of endurance. :)

Royfam said...

If that worm could talk I'll bet it would have a lot of great stories to tell!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Oh that's wonderful. I of cours eremember that little guy, even though he probably came after I left home. Who doesn't live in their own house for 9 years anyway? I'm OLD.