Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who is that guy?

You might ask "who is that guy?" or you might say, "That guy looks just like my Dad."

You'd be right. That is our very own Bishop Bill Roy DAD preaching in a Catholic Church!!!

This was for two of his cadets', Tim and Jess, wedding in St Louis this past weekend. It was very interesting! The church was built in 1861 and was just gorgeous, very ornate but beautiful. The whole event was as grand as they come and made us appreciate what we know to be true. That "till death do you part" business is for the birds. Not to mention we have a whole new appreciation for our "cultural hall" receptions! We had a great time in St Louis and Summer and Krista win the award for having a clean house while the parents are away! Good job guys!!!

We did get to go up the St Louis arch. That is one impressive structure!

630 ft tall at it's peak! The whole pod thing is kinda scary. Five "grown" people per pod for the ride up, and trust me the other three people in there with us were very "grown" people. Luckily it's only 4 minutes up and 3 minutes down or claustraphobia would cause problems. Needless to say it wigged my out a bit:
It was a great weekend and we got to do one of our favortie Roy vacation things. Watch Myth Busters, Most Dangerous Catch and a GREAT show on Meerkats!!!! It was an AWESOME time!


Jimmy and Charina said...

Hooray!! That is so fun! I'm glad you got a little vaca!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Here is my favorite part about temple weddings...modest guests...check out the girl in the right foreground of the picture with dad "preaching." That's not so pretty...