Sunday, March 2, 2008

What Good Friends are For

I've a Secret!

Taryn Smith has always been a great friend, not only to me, but our entire family. What a gem!

Isn't this just the girl you want keeping all of your deepest, darkest secrets?

Well, for a number of years now, she's been keeping one of mine so well, she didn't even know she was keeping it until she read this unopened and entirely serious note in one of her old church jackets.

On the outside it reads "Read after church and in Private Please. Thank you. Krista.

This is what it said on the inside:


I'm writing you this note becasue I need to tell you something rather than hide from you and make things more complicated. When you read it you're gonna think I'm the stupidest little geek but you're my friend and I don't know why but I want you to know that last night I shaved my legs. I didn't know the right way to do it but I did it and both my legs are half shaved cause I didn't know how to do the back. I feel like a geek. I don't even know why I decided to tell you that.. I guess it was because I was gonna shave someday so it might as well have been last night and I didn't wanna keep it from you becasue that's not what friendships about. Anyways, don't let anyone read this not especially not your mom because... I don't know why but just don't tell anyone because when you're friends you keep each other's secrets. Thank you for listening to my dumb geeky worries and Thank you for not telling.

Krista (Keep this in your possession, in other words don't stick it in your mom's purse)

Yes, yes indeed. Rest assured, Taryn kept it in her possession, kept it so dearly it was still taped up when she found it.

So the secret's out, Krista actually does shave her legs! (Gasp!) And now you know, if you've any secrets or suprises you want locked up nice and tight, give Taryn a call, and you can be sure no one will know for a long, long time!


7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!! Remember how mom just never taught us how to shave our legs...or maybe she would have but we always jumped her gun, and so I had massive razor burn the first time I ever tried it, and then i would use dad's electric razor and he'd always get mad about there being so much hair in it, and i just hoped he thought it was mom.

Jimmy and Charina said...

hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahhaha I just laughed my face off!!!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Taryn's awesome! Where did these pictures come from...?? Sorry, I can't totally relate to this story--have to check with LaDon :)

Royfam said...

Well, by my observation today I'd say there isn't a lot of leg shaving going on!!!!

The Lindes said...

well, what can you say? Krista is....well just krista. There's no one out there quite like her:) we laughed our heads off.

Jennifer said...

This is one of the best stories I've heard in a long time. Thanks for the good hearty laugh fest.