Sunday, January 26, 2014

I got more pics!

So I got some random pics from Dad's camera.  Sadly, I forgot my camera when Emery was born and so I have no documentation of that great event.  But here's some enjoyable pics for you!

Pretzel Viana!  She was watching a movie like this.

This is why we survive parenthood...moments like this.

This picture needs no caption.  I love it!

On our hike.  Brooke started out so happy and was so brave and she got so frozen!

Billy and Krista and Dad made it the highest up the mountain.

Not sure about these next two...I think it was a duel between GrandBill and Brooke to see who could make the silliest face.  

Not sure who won?

This is the best place to eat in Texas.  So yummy.  A man meat-eater's dream come true.

We all loved it!

At Christmas we went to the theater and saw Frozen!  

We also went to Bass Pro Shops where they had a carousel.

A "no horse" open sleigh.

Grapevine, Tx IS the Christmas Capital of Texas, y'all.

My nativity sets don't have these characters in them....

Tyler helped us have a fun Christmas morning.

THIS IS AMAZING!!!  This is one of Andy's trees.  He is getting so good at this.  Isn't it cool?

We went to the old Ft Worth stockyards.  Charina is bonding with the horse.

Now we'll jump back to Thanksgiving in CA.  That's LaDon's best friend forever, Dale and his wife Lisa, and Billy and Kris came all the way from Hawaii.

This didn't upload to play but on mine Billy keeps attacking LaDon over and over.  I hope yours does that too.

The last thing is a video of our awesome obstacle course we set up at LaDon's work.  Billy was the fastest!!

That's all I got for now!


Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

hahah Billy attacking LaDon over and over is probably the best part of the blog. But the rest of it is pretty good too.

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

I agree with Krista!