Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nielson Goal-Check!

In 2010 I made a goal to run 9 of 12 Nielsons.  I did it so I thought I'd do it again in 2011.  This morning I heard the wind blowing like crazy and then when I looked outside it was snowing!  With a groan I laced up my cool black and pink Nikes, put on about 4 layers of clothes and was ready to go when Dad staggered out and said, "I'll go".  COOL.  So we went and battled the elements which wasn't too bad cause Dad had his hot air balloon bursts keeping us warm.  I had a respectable time (for me) and resisted the urge to stay in my nice warm bed and knocked off that goal for 2011.  Now only 4 more weeks of at least 5 miles a week and I'll have clinched that goal.  Pretty good for an old lady!


Charina said...

way to go mom!!!!!!!! Don't let it snow too much there quite yet because I want some of it when we are there! SO BAD. You are the best!!

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Mom! You are a beast hog! I hope you enjoyed your cheescake with a cherry on top!

Billy and Krista Hiatt said...

MOM THAT IS GREAT!! You are a true stud!! Dad, good job, too!

SummeRoy said...

mom!!! you are SO cool! and you i bet you looked super flashy out there with your new beautiful blue jacket! And remember YOU CAN WIN IT!...well complete your goal!