Friday, September 26, 2008

Homecoming assemby

So I just got back from sneaking into the Homecoming assembly. It had a Disney theme to begin with but then the Joker arrived and took over. It was very spirited. The highlight (for me) was the entrance of the Homecoming court nominees. Here's a video (and NO it's not shaky cause I was crying, I was just far away and it's hard to hold still in the crowd) Krista looked stunning in her blue and green dress and Mr. Mac looked great in his matching green tie. Modest is hottest!!!!

This is a picture afterwards, too bad the coolness of the colors doesn't show. Oh well, they looked very Spartany!!!

1 comment:

The Lindes said...

Fun fun! Way to go Idaho! All the screaming in the background woke up Ally and made her start screaming. Nice dress Kris! Way to sew like the old ladies in The Three Amigos Mom!